QuoteWerks SaaS
Here is what many have been waiting for – QuoteWerks, deployed “in the Cloud”, with a “Software as a Service” payment profile (an initial setup charge followed by monthly payments on a two-year minimum period contract).
You will benefit from QuoteWerks SaaS if:-
- You need QuoteWerks to be accessed on a multiplicity of devices, such as tablet, smartphone, PC, ipad etc.
- You require remote users to be able to access, and work with, QuoteWerks in “real time” such as representatives on the road
- You have a generally cloud-based software deployment policy in your company and are either phasing out, or have already phased out, the use of a File Server on your Local Area Network.
In common with all SaaS software deployments, QuoteWerks SaaS requires a live internet connection. If staff need to use QuoteWerks when an internet connection is not available QuoteWerks “Remote PC” is our supported methodology for this situation.
For further information and a proposal tailored to your business need, please contact us.